Snowfall continues in Kurdish majority populated SE Turkey. Affecting Hakkari (Colemerg), Van (Wan), Tunceli (Dersim) cities, snowfall continues intermittently. Tunceli (Dersim) and Elazığ (Elaziz) are also among the cities effected negatively by the snowfall.
20 villages and towns in Hakkari, 56 villages and 78 towns in Yüksekova region are closed to transportation due to heavy snowfall in Kurdish populated South Eastern Turkey.
Snow removal teams have begun work to reopen the roads to populated settlements. Snow depth has reached up to one metre on the high hills of the city.
Some vehicles were stuck on roads on high points of the region. Another city effected by snowfall is the city of Van.
154 settlements located in districts around city were closed to transportation due to the heavy snowfall.
Roads of 70 settlements in Bahçesaray, 1 in Elbak, 33 Çatak, 50 in Payîzava were reportedly closed.
Tunceli/Dersim was also effected negatively due to the heavy snowfall. 11 settlements located in the centre, 40 in Pülümür, 26 in Pulur, 21 in Qisle, 18 in Öazgêrd, 13 Xozat, 10 in Pertek.
Elazığ (Elaziz) was also effected by heavy snowfall and several roads to villages and hamlets were also closed.