Since Turkey’s offensive in the Garê mountains and the killing of 13 prisoners, the government has continuously attacked the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and its supporters.
HDP co-chair Mithat Sancar responded to the attacks by saying: “The government has a very clear and heavy political responsibility. It has to account for this but our party is being used as a scapegoat by the AKP for the deaths in Garê”.
This time the attack came from AKP deputy chairman Mehmet Özhaseki. During a meeting in the Kayseri province of Turkey, Haseki cursed everyone who voted HDP.
HDP spokesperson Ebru Günay responded to Özhaseki on Twitter.
Sorumlusu olduğunuz ölümlerin daha acısı taze iken hesap vermek yerine bir halka, 6 milyon seçmene beddua okumak… Ne derseniz deyin herkes gerçeğin farkında, bela okuduğunuz halk sandıkta selânızı okuyacak, gideceksiniz.
Ayrıca Bir halka beddua okumak kimsenin haddi değildir!— Ebru Günay (@av_ebrugunay) February 20, 2021
“Shortly after the painful deaths that you are responsible for, instead of giving an account to the public, you curse 6 million voters of the HDP… Whatever you say, everybody knows the truth. These 6 million people that you cursed will defeat you in the elections. It is not your place to say this!” she said.
HDP deputy Musa Piroglu also criticized Özhaseki for his remarks.
HDP’li Piroğlu, "operasyonda iktidarın askeri olarak yenildiğini, yenilgisini ise “sahada kaybettik masada kazanırız” teziyle hareket ettiğini söyledi. İktidarın siyasal sorumluluklarını milliyetçi söylemlerle örtmeye çalıştığını" dile getirdi.
— Musa Piroğlu (@musaproglu) February 20, 2021
“‘We may have lost the battle but not the war’ is their policy now, and that is why they are attacking the HDP”, he said.