The European Union military operation command tasked with enforcing the United Nations arms embargo to Libya due to the Libyan civil war announced on Monday that Turkey had denied their requests to inspect a Turkish cargo ship headed to Libya.
The European Union Naval Force Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR MED) IRINI said in a brief statement:
“We regret Turkey’s denial of EUNAVFOR MED IRINI’s request to inspect another ship, MV Parpali, in accordance with UNSCR 2292 on the arms embargo on Libya. All UN members are called on by the UNSC to cooperate with inspections.”
Nabila Massrali, the EU spokesperson for foreign affairs and security policy, said this was the eighth time Turkey has denied inspection requests of its cargo ships by the European naval mission in the Mediterranean.
Operation IRINI
Operation IRINI was launched on 31 March 2020 with the mission to enforce the UN arms embargo to Libya that obliged member states to prevent direct or indirect supply of weaponry to Libya.
Turkey is among the UN members who is actively involved in the Libyan civil war, with military bases and troops in Libyan soil and providing support for one of the sides in the civil war, the Government of National Accord.
Turkey’s military intervention in Libya was approved by the Turkish parliament on 2 January 2020, which passed a mandate to deploy troops to Libya. Turkish military deployments to Libya began on 5 January.