The “100 Reasons to Prosecute Erdoğan for his Femicidal Policies” petition launched by the the Kurdish Women’s Movement of Europe (TJK-E) (TJK-E) continues to grow with the support of women all around the world.
With their campaign “100 Reasons to Prosecute Erdogan”, the Kurdish Women’s Movement in Europe (TJK-E) aims to collect 100.000 signatures for 100 reasons to oppose the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Turkish-allied mercenaries in their misuse of the law, military and the police for violence and injustice.
Whilst the “100 Reasons to Prosecute Erdoğan” petition has reached to the women in 15 countries and 3 continents since the campaign was launched on November 25, 2020, approximately 50,000 signatures have been collected from all around the world.
The mothers of Plaza Del Mayo, the Ni Una Di Menos movement in Argentina, the feminist organisation Abya Yala, trade union confederations in Spain and Britain, MPs from the parliaments of Uruguay and Chile are among those, who have signed the petition.
Parla Sur parliamentarians in Paris Municipality, Terre de Femmes, the largest women’s rights law organisation in Germany, the former President of Ecuador and the Mexican academician Dr Jorge Alonso Sanchez have also signed the petition to prosecute the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Women in Hamburg organised a protest in support of the petition and condemned the assassination of Hind Latif Al Khadir and Sa’da Faysal Al Hermas, two elected women officials in the automonmous administration in Al-Hasakah in northeast Syria.
“Every penny the German government gave Erdoğan was a bullet to kill a woman,” said Anja Flach, a human rights activist speaking at the Hamburg protest.