Within the scope of the“Stop Isolation, Fascism, Occupation; Time to Achieve Freedom” initiative that was announced by the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) and the Kurdistan Communities of Women (KJK), a new campaign was launched in Italy as part of the international campaign to demand freedom for Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan.
In Italy, a group of eighteen people including lawyers, academics, philosophers and trade union members, have coordinated a freedom campaign for Abdullah Öcalan. Arturo Salerni, who worked as the lawyer of Öcalan in Italy during the international process, is one of the coordinators of the campaign. The campaign aims to mobilize the Italian government into acting to help to secure the freedom of Öcalan, and will be organizing seminars at universities, associations and NGOs to highlight its concerns and aims.
The first step of the campaign will be to gather signatures to demand Öcalan’s freedom and to present the list of signatures and the appeal to the Italian Parliament on 10 December, Human Rights Day. Collected signatures will be sent to the following email address until 9 December:
[email protected].